interface MessageCreateOptions
BaseMessageOptionsWithPollexport interface MessageCreateOptions extends BaseMessageOptionsWithPoll
The options for sending a message.
optionalMessageMentionOptions allowedMentions? :
Which mentions should be parsed from the message content (see here for more details)
Inherited from: BaseMessageOptions
optionalreadonly ( | JSONEncodable<APIActionRowComponent<APIActionRowComponentTypes>> | ActionRowData<MessageActionRowComponentData | MessageActionRowComponentBuilder> | APIActionRowComponent<APIActionRowComponentTypes> )[] components? :
Action rows containing interactive components for the message (buttons, select menus)
Inherited from: BaseMessageOptions
optionalstring = '' content? :
The content for the message. This can only be null
when editing a message.
Inherited from: BaseMessageOptions
optionalreadonly (JSONEncodable<APIEmbed> | APIEmbed)[] embeds? :
The embeds for the message
Inherited from: BaseMessageOptions
optionalboolean enforceNonce? :
optionalreadonly ( | BufferResolvable | Stream | JSONEncodable<APIAttachment> | Attachment | AttachmentBuilder | AttachmentPayload )[] files? :
The files to send with the message.
Inherited from: BaseMessageOptions
optional BitFieldResolvable<Extract<MessageFlagsString, 'SuppressEmbeds' | 'SuppressNotifications'>, MessageFlags.SuppressEmbeds | MessageFlags.SuppressNotifications> | undefined flags? :
optionalMessageReferenceOptions messageReference? :
The options for a reference to a message
optionalJSONEncodable<RESTAPIPoll> | PollData poll? :
The poll to send with the message
Inherited from: BaseMessageOptionsWithPoll