class Webhook

export class Webhook<Type extends WebhookType = WebhookType>

Represents a webhook.

Type Parameters

Type? extends WebhookType = WebhookType

applicationId : Type extends WebhookType.Application ? Snowflake : null

The application that created this webhook

avatar : string | null

The avatar for the webhook

The channel the webhook belongs to

channelId : Snowflake

The id of the channel the webhook belongs to

client : Client

The client that instantiated the webhook

createdAt : Date

The time the webhook was created at

createdTimestamp : number

The timestamp the webhook was created at

guildId : Snowflake

The guild the webhook belongs to

id : Snowflake

The webhook's id

name : string

The name of the webhook

The owner of the webhook

The source channel of the webhook

The source guild of the webhook

The token for the webhook, unavailable for follower webhooks and webhooks owned by another application.

type : Type

The type of the webhook

url : string

The URL of this webhook

options?: ImageURLOptions = {}
) : string | null

A link to the webhook's avatar.

reason?: string
) : Promise<void>

Deletes the webhook.

message: MessageResolvable | '@original'
threadId?: Snowflake
) : Promise<void>

Delete a message that was sent by this webhook.

Edits this webhook.

Edits a message that was sent by this webhook.

Returns: Returns the message edited by this webhook

message: Snowflake
) : Promise<Message>

Gets a message that was sent by this webhook.

Returns: Returns the message sent by this webhook

isApplicationCreated() : this is Webhook<WebhookType.Application>

Whether this webhook is created by an application.

isChannelFollower() : this is Webhook<WebhookType.ChannelFollower>

Whether or not this webhook is a channel follower webhook.

isIncoming() : this is Webhook<WebhookType.Incoming>

Whether or not this webhook is an incoming webhook.

isUserCreated() : this is Webhook<WebhookType.Incoming> & { owner: User | APIUser; }

Whether this webhook is created by a user.

Sends a message with this webhook.

// Send a basic message
  .then(message => console.log(`Sent message: ${message.content}`))
// Send a basic message in a thread
webhook.send({ content: 'hello!', threadId: '836856309672348295' })
  .then(message => console.log(`Sent message: ${message.content}`))
// Send a remote file
  files: ['']
// Send a local file
  files: [{
    attachment: 'entire/path/to/file.jpg',
    name: 'file.jpg'
// Send an embed with a local image inside
  content: 'This is an embed',
  embeds: [{
    thumbnail: {
         url: 'attachment://file.jpg'
   files: [{
      attachment: 'entire/path/to/file.jpg',
      name: 'file.jpg'

body: object
) : Promise<boolean>

Sends a raw slack message with this webhook.

// Send a slack message
  'username': 'Wumpus',
  'attachments': [{
    'pretext': 'this looks pretty cool',
    'color': '#F0F',
    'footer_icon': '',
    'footer': 'Powered by sneks',
    'ts': / 1_000