class BaseInteraction
Baseexport class BaseInteraction<Cached extends CacheType = CacheType> extends Base
Represents an interaction.
client: Client<true>data: RawInteractionData)
constructor(Constructs a new instance of the BaseInteraction
Snowflake applicationId :
The application's id
Readonly<PermissionsBitField> appPermissions :
Set of permissions the application or bot has within the channel the interaction was sent from
APIAuthorizingIntegrationOwnersMap authorizingIntegrationOwners :
Mapping of installation contexts that the interaction was authorized for the related user or guild ids
readonlyCacheTypeReducer<Cached, GuildTextBasedChannel | null, GuildTextBasedChannel | null, GuildTextBasedChannel | null, TextBasedChannel | null> channel :
The channel this interaction was sent in
InteractionContextType | null context :
Context where the interaction was triggered from
readonlyDate createdAt :
The time the interaction was created at
readonlynumber createdTimestamp :
The timestamp the interaction was created at
Collection<Snowflake, Entitlement> entitlements :
The entitlements for the invoking user, representing access to premium SKUs
readonlyCacheTypeReducer<Cached, Guild, null> guild :
The guild this interaction was sent in
CacheTypeReducer<Cached, Snowflake> guildId :
The id of the guild this interaction was sent in
CacheTypeReducer<Cached, Locale> guildLocale :
The preferred locale from the guild this interaction was sent in
Snowflake id :
The interaction's id
Locale locale :
The locale of the user who invoked this interaction
CacheTypeReducer<Cached, GuildMember, APIInteractionGuildMember> member :
If this interaction was sent in a guild, the member which sent it
CacheTypeReducer<Cached, Readonly<PermissionsBitField>> memberPermissions :
The permissions of the member, if one exists, in the channel this interaction was executed in
readonlystring token :
The interaction's token
InteractionType type :
The interaction's type
User user :
The user who created this interaction
number version :
The version
inCachedGuildthis is BaseInteraction<'cached'> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is received from a cached guild.
inGuildthis is BaseInteraction<'raw' | 'cached'> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is received from a guild.
inRawGuildthis is BaseInteraction<'raw'> () :
Indicates whether or not this interaction is received from an uncached guild.
isAnySelectMenuthis is SelectMenuInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a select menu of any known type.
isAutocompletethis is AutocompleteInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is an AutocompleteInteraction
isButtonthis is ButtonInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a ButtonInteraction.
isChannelSelectMenuthis is ChannelSelectMenuInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a ChannelSelectMenuInteraction
isChatInputCommandthis is ChatInputCommandInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a ChatInputCommandInteraction.
isCommandthis is CommandInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a CommandInteraction
isContextMenuCommandthis is ContextMenuCommandInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a ContextMenuCommandInteraction
isMentionableSelectMenuthis is MentionableSelectMenuInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a MentionableSelectMenuInteraction
isMessageComponentthis is MessageComponentInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a MessageComponentInteraction
isMessageContextMenuCommandthis is MessageContextMenuCommandInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a MessageContextMenuCommandInteraction
isModalSubmitthis is ModalSubmitInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a ModalSubmitInteraction
isRepliablethis is RepliableInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction can be replied to.
isRoleSelectMenuthis is RoleSelectMenuInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a RoleSelectMenuInteraction
isStringSelectMenuthis is StringSelectMenuInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a StringSelectMenuInteraction.
isUserContextMenuCommandthis is UserContextMenuCommandInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a UserContextMenuCommandInteraction
isUserSelectMenuthis is UserSelectMenuInteraction<Cached> () :
Indicates whether this interaction is a UserSelectMenuInteraction