class SubscriptionManager
CachedManager<Snowflake, Subscription, SubscriptionResolvable>export class SubscriptionManager extends CachedManager<Snowflake, Subscription, SubscriptionResolvable>
Manages API methods for subscriptions and stores their cache.
readonlyCollection<Key, Holds> cache :
The cache of items for this manager.
Inherited from: DataManager
readonlyConstructable<Holds> holds :
The data structure belonging to this manager.
Inherited from: DataManager
Overload 1
Overload 2
fetchoptions: FetchSubscriptionOptions = {}) : Promise<Subscription> (
options: FetchSubscriptionOptions = {}
Fetches subscriptions for this application
Overload 1
Overload 2
Overload 1
Overload 2
valueOfCollection<Key, Holds> () :
Inherited from: DataManager