class MessageReferenceBuilder

declare class MessageReferenceBuilder implements JSONEncodable<MessageReferenceBuilderData>

A builder that creates API-compatible JSON data for message references.


Creates new allowed mention builder from API data.

clearChannelId() : this

Clear the id of the channel being referenced

clearGuildId() : this

Clear the id of the guild being referenced

clearType() : this

Clear the type of message reference this represents

channelId: Snowflake
) : this

Sets the id of the channel being referenced

guildId: Snowflake
) : this

Sets the id of the guild being referenced

messageId: Snowflake
) : this

Sets the id of the message being referenced

setType() : this

Sets the types of message reference this represents

validationOverride?: boolean
) : MessageReferenceBuilderData

Serializes this builder to API-compatible JSON data.Note that by disabling validation, there is no guarantee that the resulting object will be valid.