class CategoryChannel


export class CategoryChannel extends GuildChannel

Represents a guild category channel on Discord.

children : CategoryChannelChildManager

A manager of the channels belonging to this category

client : Client<true>

The client that instantiated this

Inherited from: Base

createdAt : Date

The time the channel was created at

Inherited from: GuildChannel

createdTimestamp : number

The timestamp the channel was created at

Inherited from: GuildChannel

deletable : boolean

Whether the channel is deletable by the client user

Inherited from: GuildChannel

The flags that are applied to the channel. This is only null in a PartialGroupDMChannel. In all other cases, it is not null.

Inherited from: GuildChannel

guild : Guild

The guild the channel is in

Inherited from: GuildChannel

guildId : Snowflake

The id of the guild the channel is in

Inherited from: GuildChannel

The channel's id

Inherited from: BaseChannel

manageable : boolean

Whether the channel is manageable by the client user

Inherited from: GuildChannel

members : Collection<Snowflake, GuildMember>

A collection of cached members of this channel, mapped by their ids. Members that can view this channel, if the channel is text-based. Members in the channel, if the channel is voice-based.

Inherited from: GuildChannel

name : string

The name of the guild channel

Inherited from: GuildChannel

parent : null

The parent of this channel.

parentId : null

The id of the parent of this channel.

partial : false

Whether this Channel is a partial This is always false outside of DM channels.

Inherited from: BaseChannel

permissionOverwrites : PermissionOverwriteManager

A manager of permission overwrites that belong to this channel

Inherited from: GuildChannel

permissionsLocked : boolean | null

If the permissionOverwrites match the parent channel, null if no parent

Inherited from: GuildChannel

position : number

The position of the channel

Inherited from: GuildChannel

rawPosition : number

The raw position of the channel from Discord

Inherited from: GuildChannel

The type of the channel

url : string

The URL to the channel

Inherited from: BaseChannel

viewable : boolean

Whether the channel is viewable by the client user

Inherited from: GuildChannel

clone() : Promise<this>

Clones this channel.

Inherited from: GuildChannel

reason?: string
) : Promise<this>

Deletes this channel.

// Delete the channel
channel.delete('making room for new channels')

Inherited from: GuildChannel

edit() : Promise<this>

Edits the channel.

// Edit a channel
channel.edit({ name: 'new-channel' })

Inherited from: GuildChannel

channel: GuildChannel
) : boolean

Checks if this channel has the same type, topic, position, name, overwrites, and id as another channel. In most cases, a simple === will do, and is much faster too.

Inherited from: GuildChannel

force?: boolean
) : Promise<this>

Fetches this channel.

Inherited from: BaseChannel

Indicates whether this channel is DM-based (either a DMChannel or a PartialGroupDMChannel).

Inherited from: BaseChannel

isSendable() : this is SendableChannels

Indicates whether this channel is sendable.

Inherited from: BaseChannel

isTextBased() : this is GuildBasedChannel & TextBasedChannel

Indicates whether this channel is text-based.

Inherited from: GuildChannel

isThread() : this is AnyThreadChannel

Indicates whether this channel is a ThreadChannel.

Inherited from: BaseChannel

isThreadOnly() : this is ThreadOnlyChannel

Indicates whether this channel is thread-only.

Inherited from: BaseChannel

isVoiceBased() : this is VoiceBasedChannel

Indicates whether this channel is voice-based.

Inherited from: BaseChannel

lockPermissions() : Promise<this>

Locks in the permission overwrites from the parent channel.

Inherited from: GuildChannel

memberOrRole: GuildMember | Role
checkAdmin?: boolean
) : Readonly<PermissionsBitField>

Gets the overall set of permissions for a member or role in this channel, taking into account channel overwrites.

name: string
reason?: string
) : Promise<this>

Sets a new name for the guild channel.

// Set a new channel name
  .then(newChannel => console.log(`Channel's new name is ${}`))

Inherited from: GuildChannel

Sets the category parent of this channel. It is not possible to set the parent of a CategoryChannel.

setPosition() : Promise<this>

Sets a new position for the guild channel.

// Set a new channel position
  .then(newChannel => console.log(`Channel's new position is ${newChannel.position}`))

Inherited from: GuildChannel

...props: Record<string, boolean | string>[]
) : unknown

Inherited from: Base

toString() : ChannelMention

When concatenated with a string, this automatically returns the channel's mention instead of the Channel object.

// Logs: Hello from <#123456789012345678>!
console.log(`Hello from ${channel}!`);

Inherited from: GuildChannel

valueOf() : string

Inherited from: Base