interface GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions

export interface GuildScheduledEventCreateOptions

Options used to create a guild scheduled event.

channel? : GuildVoiceChannelResolvable

The channel of the guild scheduled event This is required if entityType is GuildScheduledEventEntityType.StageInstance or GuildScheduledEventEntityType.Voice

description? : string

The description of the guild scheduled event

entityMetadata? : GuildScheduledEventEntityMetadataOptions

The entity metadata of the guild scheduled event This is required if entityType is GuildScheduledEventEntityType.External

The scheduled entity type of the event

image? : BufferResolvable | Base64Resolvable | null

The cover image of the guild scheduled event

name : string

The name of the guild scheduled event

The privacy level of the guild scheduled event

reason? : string

The reason for creating the guild scheduled event

scheduledEndTime? : DateResolvable

The time to end the event at This is required if entityType is GuildScheduledEventEntityType.External

scheduledStartTime : DateResolvable

The time to schedule the event at