class Webhook


export class Webhook extends WebhookMixin()

Represents a webhook.

applicationId : Snowflake | null

The application that created this webhook

avatar : string | null

The avatar for the webhook

The channel the webhook belongs to

channelId : Snowflake

The id of the channel the webhook belongs to

client : Client

The client that instantiated the webhook

createdAt : Date

The time the webhook was created at

createdTimestamp : number

The timestamp the webhook was created at

guildId : Snowflake

The guild the webhook belongs to

id : Snowflake

The webhook's id

name : string

The name of the webhook

owner : User | APIUser | null

The owner of the webhook

sourceChannel : NewsChannel | APIPartialChannel | null

The source channel of the webhook

sourceGuild : Guild | APIPartialGuild | null

The source guild of the webhook

token : string | null

The token for the webhook, unavailable for follower webhooks and webhooks owned by another application.

type : WebhookType

The type of the webhook

url : string

The URL of this webhook

options?: ImageURLOptions
) : string | null

A link to the webhook's avatar.

reason?: string
) : Promise<void>

Deletes the webhook.

message: MessageResolvable | '@original'
threadId?: Snowflake
) : Promise<void>

Delete a message that was sent by this webhook.

Edits this webhook.

Edits a message that was sent by this webhook.

Returns: Returns the message edited by this webhook

fetchMessage() : Promise<Message>

Gets a message that was sent by this webhook.

Returns: Returns the message sent by this webhook

isApplicationCreated() : this is this & { type: WebhookType.Application; applicationId: Snowflake; owner: User | APIUser; }

Whether this webhook is created by an application.

isChannelFollower() : this is this & { type: WebhookType.ChannelFollower; sourceGuild: Guild | APIPartialGuild; sourceChannel: NewsChannel | APIPartialChannel; token: null; applicationId: null; owner: User | APIUser; }

Whether or not this webhook is a channel follower webhook.

isIncoming() : this is this & { type: WebhookType.Incoming; token: string; }

Whether or not this webhook is an incoming webhook.

isUserCreated() : this is this & { type: WebhookType.Incoming; applicationId: null; owner: User | APIUser; }

Whether this webhook is created by a user.

Sends a message with this webhook.

// Send a basic message
  .then(message => console.log(`Sent message: ${message.content}`))
// Send a basic message in a thread
webhook.send({ content: 'hello!', threadId: '836856309672348295' })
  .then(message => console.log(`Sent message: ${message.content}`))
// Send a remote file
  files: ['']
// Send a local file
  files: [{
    attachment: 'entire/path/to/file.jpg',
    name: 'file.jpg'
// Send an embed with a local image inside
  content: 'This is an embed',
  embeds: [{
    thumbnail: {
         url: 'attachment://file.jpg'
   files: [{
      attachment: 'entire/path/to/file.jpg',
      name: 'file.jpg'

body: object
) : Promise<boolean>

Sends a raw slack message with this webhook.

// Send a slack message
  'username': 'Wumpus',
  'attachments': [{
    'pretext': 'this looks pretty cool',
    'color': '#F0F',
    'footer_icon': '',
    'footer': 'Powered by sneks',
    'ts': / 1_000