class ThreadOnlyChannel
TextBasedChannelMixin(GuildChannel, true, [ 'send', 'lastMessage', 'lastPinAt', 'bulkDelete', 'sendTyping', 'createMessageCollector', 'awaitMessages', 'createMessageComponentCollector', 'awaitMessageComponent',])export abstract class ThreadOnlyChannel extends TextBasedChannelMixin(GuildChannel, true, [ 'send', 'lastMessage', 'lastPinAt', 'bulkDelete', 'sendTyping', 'createMessageCollector', 'awaitMessages', 'createMessageComponentCollector', 'awaitMessageComponent',])
Represents symbols utilised by thread-only channels.
GuildForumTag[] availableTags :
The set of tags that can be used in this channel.
readonlyClient client :
The client that instantiated this
readonlyDate createdAt :
The time the channel was created at
readonlynumber createdTimestamp :
The timestamp the channel was created at
ThreadAutoArchiveDuration | null defaultAutoArchiveDuration :
The default auto archive duration for newly created threads in this channel.
DefaultReactionEmoji | null defaultReactionEmoji :
The emoji to show in the add reaction button on a thread in a guild forum channel
SortOrderType | null defaultSortOrder :
The default sort order mode used to order posts
The initial rate limit per user (slowmode) to set on newly created threads in a channel.
readonlyboolean deletable :
Whether the channel is deletable by the client user
optionalReadonly<ChannelFlagsBitField> flags? :
The flags that are applied to the channel. This is only null
in a PartialGroupDMChannel. In all other cases, it is not null
Guild guild :
The guild the channel is in
Snowflake guildId :
The id of the guild the channel is in
Snowflake id :
The channel's id
readonlyboolean manageable :
Whether the channel is manageable by the client user
readonlyCollection<Snowflake, GuildMember> members :
A collection of cached members of this channel, mapped by their ids. Members that can view this channel, if the channel is text-based. Members in the channel, if the channel is voice-based.
string name :
The name of the guild channel
boolean nsfw :
If this channel is considered NSFW.
readonlyoptionalCategoryChannel parent? :
The category parent of this channel
optionalSnowflake parentId? :
The id of the category parent of this channel
readonlyboolean partial :
Whether this Channel is a partial This is always false outside of DM channels.
PermissionOverwriteManager permissionOverwrites :
A manager of permission overwrites that belong to this channel
readonlyoptionalboolean permissionsLocked? :
If the permissionOverwrites match the parent channel, null if no parent
readonlynumber position :
The position of the channel
number rawPosition :
The raw position of the channel from Discord
GuildForumThreadManager threads :
A manager of the threads belonging to this channel
The type of the channel
readonlystring url :
The URL to the channel
readonlyboolean viewable :
Whether the channel is viewable by the client user
createInviteoptions?: InviteCreateOptions) : Promise<Invite> (
Creates an invite to this guild channel.
// Create an invite to a channel
.then(invite => console.log(`Created an invite with a code of ${invite.code}`))
createWebhookoptions?: ChannelWebhookCreateOptions) : Promise<Webhook> (
Creates a webhook for the channel.
// Create a webhook for the current channel
name: 'Snek',
avatar: '',
reason: 'Needed a cool new Webhook'
Returns: Returns the created Webhook *
fetchInvitescache?: boolean) : Promise<Collection<string, Invite>> (
Fetches a collection of invites to this guild channel. Resolves with a collection mapping invites by their codes.
fetchWebhooksPromise<Collection<Snowflake, Webhook>> () :
Fetches all webhooks for the channel.
// Fetch webhooks
.then(hooks => console.log(`This channel has ${hooks.size} hooks`))
setAvailableTagsavailableTags: GuildForumTagData[]reason?: string) : Promise<this> (
Sets the available tags for this forum channel
setDefaultAutoArchiveDurationdefaultAutoArchiveDuration: ThreadAutoArchiveDurationreason?: string) : Promise<this> (
Sets the default auto archive duration for all newly created threads in this channel.
setDefaultReactionEmojidefaultReactionEmoji: DefaultReactionEmoji | nullreason?: string) : Promise<this> (
Sets the default reaction emoji for this channel
setDefaultSortOrderdefaultSortOrder: SortOrderType | nullreason?: string) : Promise<this> (
Sets the default sort order mode used to order posts
setDefaultThreadRateLimitPerUser) : Promise<this> (
Sets the default rate limit per user (slowmode) for new threads in this channel
Sets whether this channel is flagged as NSFW.
Sets the rate limit per user (slowmode) for this channel.