class Invite
Baseexport class Invite extends Base
Represents an invitation to a guild channel.
NonThreadGuildBasedChannel | PartialGroupDMChannel | null channel :
The channel this invite is for
readonlyClient client :
The client that instantiated this
string code :
The code for this invite
readonlyboolean deletable :
Whether the invite is deletable by the client user
InviteGuild | Guild | null guild :
The guild the invite is for including welcome screen data if present
GuildScheduledEvent | null guildScheduledEvent :
The guild scheduled event data if there is a GuildScheduledEvent in the channel this invite is for
staticRegExp InvitesPattern :
A regular expression that matches Discord invite links. The code
group property is present on the exec()
result of this expression.
The maximum age of the invite, in seconds, 0 if never expires This is only available when the invite was fetched through or created through create.
The maximum uses of this invite This is only available when the invite was fetched through or created through create.
number memberCount :
The approximate total number of members of the guild this invite is for This is only available when the invite was fetched through fetchInvite.
number presenceCount :
The approximate number of online members of the guild this invite is for This is only available when the invite was fetched through fetchInvite.
deprecatedInviteStageInstance | null stageInstance :
The stage instance data if there is a public StageInstance in the stage channel this invite is for
IntegrationApplication | null targetApplication :
The embedded application to open for this voice channel embedded application invite
InviteTargetType | null targetType :
The target type
Whether or not this invite only grants temporary membership This is only available when the invite was fetched through or created through create.
readonlystring url :
The URL to the invite