class GuildInviteManager
DataManager<string, Invite, InviteResolvable>export class GuildInviteManager extends DataManager<string, Invite, InviteResolvable>
Manages API methods for GuildInvites and stores their cache.
Collection<string, Invite> cache :
The cache of this Manager
readonlyClient client :
The client that instantiated this Manager
Guild guild :
The guild this Manager belongs to
readonlyConstructable<Invite> holds :
The data structure belonging to this manager.
Inherited from: DataManager
createchannel: GuildInvitableChannelResolvableoptions?: InviteCreateOptions) : Promise<Invite> (
channel: GuildInvitableChannelResolvable
options?: InviteCreateOptions
Create an invite to the guild from the provided channel.
// Create an invite to a selected channel
deleteinvite: InviteResolvablereason?: string) : Promise<Invite> (
invite: InviteResolvable
reason?: string
Deletes an invite.
Overload 1
Overload 2
fetchoptions: InviteResolvable | FetchInviteOptions) : Promise<Invite> (
options: InviteResolvable | FetchInviteOptions
Fetches invite(s) from Discord.
// Fetch all invites from a guild
// Fetch all invites from a guild without caching
guild.invites.fetch({ cache: false })
// Fetch all invites from a channel
guild.invites.fetch({ channelId: '222197033908436994' })
// Fetch a single invite
// Fetch a single invite without checking cache
guild.invites.fetch({ code: 'bRCvFy9', force: true })
// Fetch a single invite without caching
guild.invites.fetch({ code: 'bRCvFy9', cache: false })
resolveinvite: InviteResolvable) : Invite (
invite: InviteResolvable
Resolves an InviteResolvable to an Invite object.
resolveIdinvite: InviteResolvable) : string (
invite: InviteResolvable
Resolves an InviteResolvable to an invite code string.
valueOfCollection<string, Invite> () :
Inherited from: DataManager