class Client
BaseClientexport class Client<Ready extends boolean = boolean> extends BaseClient
The main hub for interacting with the Discord API, and the starting point for any bot.
options: ClientOptions)
constructor(If<Ready, ClientApplication> application :
The application of this bot
ChannelManager channels :
All of the BaseChannels that the client is currently handling, mapped by their ids - as long as sharding isn't being used, this will be *every * channel in *every * guild the bot is a member of. Note that DM channels will not be initially cached, and thus not be present in the Manager without their explicit fetching or use.
readonlyBaseGuildEmojiManager emojis :
All custom emojis that the client has access to, mapped by their ids
GuildManager guilds :
All of the guilds the client is currently handling, mapped by their ids - as long as sharding isn't being used, this will be *every * guild the bot is a member of
Omit<ClientOptions, 'intents'> & { intents: IntentsBitField } options :
Time at which the client was last regarded as being in the Ready state (each time the client disconnects and successfully reconnects, this will be overwritten)
REST rest :
The REST manager of the client
ShardClientUtil | null shard :
Shard helpers for the client (only if the process was spawned from a ShardingManager)
Sweepers sweepers :
The sweeping functions and their intervals used to periodically sweep caches
Authorization token for the logged in bot. If present, this defaults to process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN
when instantiating the client This should be kept private at all times.
How long it has been since the client last entered the Ready state in milliseconds
If<Ready, ClientUser> user :
User that the client is logged in as
UserManager users :
All of the User objects that have been cached at any point, mapped by their ids
ClientVoiceManager voice :
The voice manager of the client
WebSocketManager ws :
The WebSocket manager of the client
deleteWebhookid: Snowflakeoptions?: WebhookDeleteOptions) : Promise<void> (
Deletes a webhook.
emitEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event: Event...args: ClientEvents[Event]) : boolean <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
fetchGuildPreviewguild: GuildResolvable) : Promise<GuildPreview> (
Obtains a guild preview from Discord, available for all guilds the bot is in and all Discoverable guilds.
fetchGuildTemplatetemplate: GuildTemplateResolvable) : Promise<GuildTemplate> (
Obtains a template from Discord.
.then(template => console.log(`Obtained template with code: ${template.code}`))
fetchGuildWidgetguild: GuildResolvable) : Promise<Widget> (
Obtains the widget data of a guild from Discord, available for guilds with the widget enabled.
fetchInviteinvite: InviteResolvableoptions?: ClientFetchInviteOptions) : Promise<Invite> (
Obtains an invite from Discord.
.then(invite => console.log(`Obtained invite with code: ${invite.code}`))
deprecated fetchPremiumStickerPacksReturnType<Client['fetchStickerPacks']> () :
Use fetchStickerPacks instead.
Obtains the list of available sticker packs.
Obtains a sticker from Discord.
.then(sticker => console.log(`Obtained sticker with name: ${}`))
fetchStickerPacksPromise<Collection<Snowflake, StickerPack>> () :
Obtains the list of available sticker packs.
.then(packs => console.log(`Available sticker packs are: ${ =>', ')}`))
fetchVoiceRegionsPromise<Collection<string, VoiceRegion>> () :
Obtains the available voice regions from Discord.
.then(regions => console.log(`Available regions are: ${ =>', ')}`))
Obtains a webhook from Discord.
client.fetchWebhook('id', 'token')
.then(webhook => console.log(`Obtained webhook with name: ${}`))
generateInviteoptions?: InviteGenerationOptions) : string (
Generates a link that can be used to invite the bot to a guild.
const link = client.generateInvite({
scopes: [OAuth2Scopes.ApplicationsCommands],
console.log(`Generated application invite link: ${link}`);
const link = client.generateInvite({
permissions: [
scopes: [OAuth2Scopes.Bot],
console.log(`Generated bot invite link: ${link}`);
isReadythis is Client<true> () :
Returns whether the client has logged in, indicative of being able to access properties such as user
and application
Logs the client in, establishing a WebSocket connection to Discord.
client.login('my token');
Returns: Token of the account used
offEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event: Eventlistener: (...args: ClientEvents[Event]) => Awaitable<void>) : this <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
onEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event: Eventlistener: (...args: ClientEvents[Event]) => Awaitable<void>) : this <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
onceEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event: Eventlistener: (...args: ClientEvents[Event]) => Awaitable<void>) : this <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
removeAllListenersEvent extends keyof ClientEvents
>(event?: Event) : this <
Event extends keyof ClientEvents
toJSONunknown () :
Emitted whenever permissions for an application command in a guild were updated. This includes permission updates for other applications in addition to the logged in client, check data.applicationId
to verify which application the update is for
autoModerationActionExecutionautoModerationActionExecution: AutoModerationActionExecution) (
Emitted whenever an auto moderation rule is triggered. This event requires the PermissionFlagsBits.ManageGuild permission.
autoModerationRuleCreateautoModerationRule: AutoModerationRule) (
Emitted whenever an auto moderation rule is created. This event requires the PermissionFlagsBits.ManageGuild permission.
autoModerationRuleDeleteautoModerationRule: AutoModerationRule) (
Emitted whenever an auto moderation rule is deleted. This event requires the PermissionFlagsBits.ManageGuild permission.
autoModerationRuleUpdateoldAutoModerationRule: AutoModerationRulenewAutoModerationRule: AutoModerationRule) (
Emitted whenever an auto moderation rule gets updated. This event requires the PermissionFlagsBits.ManageGuild permission.
channelCreatechannel: GuildChannel) (
Emitted whenever a guild channel is created.
channelDeletechannel: DMChannel | GuildChannel) (
Emitted whenever a channel is deleted.
channelPinsUpdatechannel: TextBasedChannelstime: Date) (
Emitted whenever the pins of a channel are updated. Due to the nature of the WebSocket event, not much information can be provided easily here - you need to manually check the pins yourself.
channelUpdateoldChannel: DMChannel | GuildChannelnewChannel: DMChannel | GuildChannel) (
Emitted whenever a channel is updated - e.g. name change, topic change, channel type change.
debuginfo: string) (
Emitted for general debugging information.
emojiCreateemoji: GuildEmoji) (
Emitted whenever a custom emoji is created in a guild.
emojiDeleteemoji: GuildEmoji) (
Emitted whenever a custom emoji is deleted in a guild.
emojiUpdateoldEmoji: GuildEmojinewEmoji: GuildEmoji) (
Emitted whenever a custom emoji is updated in a guild.
errorerror: Error) (
Emitted when the client encounters an error. Errors thrown within this event do not have a catch handler, it is recommended to not use async functions as error
event handlers. See the [Node.js docs]( for details.
guildAuditLogEntryCreateauditLogEntry: GuildAuditLogsEntryguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild audit log entry is created.
guildAvailableguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild becomes available.
guildBanAddban: GuildBan) (
Emitted whenever a member is banned from a guild.
guildBanRemoveban: GuildBan) (
Emitted whenever a member is unbanned from a guild.
guildCreateguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever the client joins a guild.
guildDeleteguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild kicks the client or the guild is deleted/left.
guildIntegrationsUpdateguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild integration is updated
guildMemberAddmember: GuildMember) (
Emitted whenever a user joins a guild.
guildMemberAvailablemember: GuildMember) (
Emitted whenever a member becomes available.
guildMemberRemovemember: GuildMember) (
Emitted whenever a member leaves a guild, or is kicked.
Emitted whenever a chunk of guild members is received (all members come from the same guild).
guildMemberUpdateoldMember: GuildMembernewMember: GuildMember) (
Emitted whenever a guild member changes - i.e. new role, removed role, nickname.
guildScheduledEventCreateguildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent) (
Emitted whenever a guild scheduled event is created.
guildScheduledEventDeleteguildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent) (
Emitted whenever a guild scheduled event is deleted.
guildScheduledEventUpdateoldGuildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEventnewGuildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEvent) (
Emitted whenever a guild scheduled event gets updated.
guildScheduledEventUserAddguildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEventuser: User) (
Emitted whenever a user subscribes to a guild scheduled event
guildScheduledEventUserRemoveguildScheduledEvent: GuildScheduledEventuser: User) (
Emitted whenever a user unsubscribes from a guild scheduled event
guildUnavailableguild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever a guild becomes unavailable, likely due to a server outage.
interactionCreateinteraction: BaseInteraction) (
Emitted when an interaction is created.
inviteCreateinvite: Invite) (
Emitted when an invite is created. This event requires the PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels permission for the channel.
inviteDeleteinvite: Invite) (
Emitted when an invite is deleted. This event requires the PermissionFlagsBits.ManageChannels permission for the channel.
messageCreatemessage: Message) (
Emitted whenever a message is created.
messageDeletemessage: Message) (
Emitted whenever a message is deleted.
messageDeleteBulkmessages: Collection<Snowflake, Message>channel: GuildTextBasedChannel) (
Emitted whenever messages are deleted in bulk.
messageReactionAddmessageReaction: MessageReactionuser: User) (
Emitted whenever a reaction is added to a cached message.
messageReactionRemovemessageReaction: MessageReactionuser: User) (
Emitted whenever a reaction is removed from a cached message.
messageReactionRemoveAllmessage: Messagereactions: Collection<(string|Snowflake), MessageReaction>) (
Emitted whenever all reactions are removed from a cached message.
messageReactionRemoveEmojireaction: MessageReaction) (
Emitted when a bot removes an emoji reaction from a cached message.
Emitted whenever a message is updated - e.g. embed or content change.
Emitted whenever a guild member's presence (e.g. status, activity) is changed.
readyclient: Client) (
Emitted when the client becomes ready to start working.
roleCreaterole: Role) (
Emitted whenever a role is created.
roleDeleterole: Role) (
Emitted whenever a guild role is deleted.
shardDisconnectevent: CloseEventid: number) (
Emitted when a shard's WebSocket disconnects and will no longer reconnect.
Emitted whenever a shard's WebSocket encounters a connection error.
shardReconnectingid: number) (
Emitted when a shard is attempting to reconnect or re-identify.
stageInstanceCreatestageInstance: StageInstance) (
Emitted whenever a stage instance is created.
stageInstanceDeletestageInstance: StageInstance) (
Emitted whenever a stage instance is deleted.
stageInstanceUpdateoldStageInstance: StageInstancenewStageInstance: StageInstance) (
Emitted whenever a stage instance gets updated - e.g. change in topic or privacy level
stickerCreatesticker: Sticker) (
Emitted whenever a custom sticker is created in a guild.
stickerDeletesticker: Sticker) (
Emitted whenever a custom sticker is deleted in a guild.
Emitted whenever a custom sticker is updated in a guild.
threadCreatethread: ThreadChannelnewlyCreated: boolean) (
Emitted whenever a thread is created or when the client user is added to a thread.
threadDeletethread: ThreadChannel) (
Emitted whenever a thread is deleted.
threadListSyncthreads: Collection<Snowflake, ThreadChannel>guild: Guild) (
Emitted whenever the client user gains access to a text or news channel that contains threads
threadMembersUpdateaddedMembers: Collection<Snowflake, ThreadMember>removedMembers: Collection<Snowflake, ThreadMember>thread: ThreadChannel) (
Emitted whenever members are added or removed from a thread. This event requires the GatewayIntentBits.GuildMembers privileged gateway intent.
threadMemberUpdateoldMember: ThreadMembernewMember: ThreadMember) (
Emitted whenever the client user's thread member is updated.
threadUpdateoldThread: ThreadChannelnewThread: ThreadChannel) (
Emitted whenever a thread is updated - e.g. name change, archive state change, locked state change.
typingStarttyping: Typing) (
Emitted whenever a user starts typing in a channel.
Emitted whenever a user's details (e.g. username) are changed. Triggered by the Discord gateway events UserUpdate, GuildMemberUpdate, and PresenceUpdate.
voiceStateUpdateoldState: VoiceStatenewState: VoiceState) (
Emitted whenever a member changes voice state - e.g. joins/leaves a channel, mutes/unmutes.
warninfo: string) (
Emitted for general warnings.
webhooksUpdatechannel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | VoiceChannel | StageChannel | ForumChannel | MediaChannel) (
Emitted whenever a channel has its webhooks changed.
deprecated webhookUpdatechannel: TextChannel | NewsChannel | VoiceChannel | StageChannel | ForumChannel | MediaChannel) (
Use webhooksUpdate instead.
Emitted whenever a channel has its webhooks changed.