class AutoModerationRule
Baseexport class AutoModerationRule extends Base
Represents an auto moderation rule.
AutoModerationAction[] actions :
The actions of this auto moderation rule.
readonlyClient client :
The client that instantiated this
Snowflake creatorId :
The user that created this auto moderation rule.
boolean enabled :
Whether this auto moderation rule is enabled.
AutoModerationRuleEventType eventType :
The event type of this auto moderation rule.
Collection<Snowflake, GuildBasedChannel> exemptChannels :
The channels exempt by this auto moderation rule.
Collection<Snowflake, Role> exemptRoles :
The roles exempt by this auto moderation rule.
Guild guild :
The guild this auto moderation rule is for.
Snowflake id :
The id of this auto moderation rule.
string name :
The name of this auto moderation rule.
AutoModerationTriggerMetadata triggerMetadata :
The trigger metadata of the rule.
AutoModerationRuleTriggerType triggerType :
The trigger type of this auto moderation rule.
editoptions: AutoModerationRuleEditOptions) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Edits this auto moderation rule.
setActionsactions: AutoModerationActionOptions[]reason?: string) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the actions for this auto moderation rule.
setAllowList) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the allow list for this auto moderation rule.
setEnabled) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets whether this auto moderation rule should be enabled.
setEventTypeeventType: AutoModerationRuleEventTypereason?: string) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the event type for this auto moderation rule.
setExemptChannelsexemptChannels: Collection<Snowflake, GuildBasedChannel> | GuildChannelResolvable[]reason?: string) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the exempt channels for this auto moderation rule.
setExemptRolesexemptRoles: Collection<Snowflake, Role> | RoleResolvable[]reason?: string) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the exempt roles for this auto moderation rule.
setKeywordFilter) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the keyword filter for this auto moderation rule.
setMentionRaidProtectionEnabled) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets whether to enable mention raid protection for this auto moderation rule.
setMentionTotalLimit) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the mention total limit for this auto moderation rule.
setName) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the name for this auto moderation rule.
setPresetspresets: AutoModerationRuleKeywordPresetType[]reason?: string) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the presets for this auto moderation rule.
setRegexPatterns) : Promise<AutoModerationRule> (
Sets the regular expression patterns for this auto moderation rule.