export interface GatewayActivity
optionalexternalSnowflake application_id? :
Application id for the game
optionalexternalGatewayActivityAssets assets? :
Images for the presence and their hover textsSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway-events#activity-object-activity-assets
optionalexternalGatewayActivityButton[] | string[] buttons? :
The custom buttons shown in the Rich Presence (max 2)
externalnumber created_at :
Unix timestamp of when the activity was added to the user's session
optionalexternalGatewayActivityEmoji emoji? :
The emoji used for a custom statusSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway-events#activity-object-activity-emoji
optionalexternalActivityFlags flags? :
Activity flags OR
d together, describes what the payload includesSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway-events#activity-object-activity-flagsSee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_field
externalstring id :
The activity's id
optionalexternalboolean instance? :
Whether or not the activity is an instanced game session
externalstring name :
The activity's name
optionalexternalGatewayActivityParty party? :
Information for the current party of the playerSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway-events#activity-object-activity-party
optionalexternalstring platform? :
The platform this activity is being done on You can use ActivityPlatform as a stepping stone, but this might be inaccurate
optionalexternalGatewayActivitySecrets secrets? :
Secrets for Rich Presence joining and spectatingSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway-events#activity-object-activity-secrets
optionalexternalstring session_id? :
The user's current party status, or the text used for a custom status
optionalexternalstring sync_id? :
The Spotify song id
optionalexternalGatewayActivityTimestamps timestamps? :
Unix timestamps for start and/or end of the game
externalActivityType type :
Activity typeSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway-events#activity-object-activity-types