export interface APIStringSelectComponent extends APIBaseSelectMenuComponent<ComponentType.StringSelect>
externalstring custom_id :
A developer-defined identifier for the select menu, max 100 characters
Inherited from: APIBaseSelectMenuComponent
optionalexternalboolean disabled? :
Disable the select false
Inherited from: APIBaseSelectMenuComponent
optionalexternalnumber max_values? :
The maximum number of items that can be chosen; max 25 1
Inherited from: APIBaseSelectMenuComponent
optionalexternalnumber min_values? :
The minimum number of items that must be chosen; min 0, max 25 1
Inherited from: APIBaseSelectMenuComponent
externalAPISelectMenuOption[] options :
Specified choices in a select menu; max 25
optionalexternalstring placeholder? :
Custom placeholder text if nothing is selected, max 150 characters
Inherited from: APIBaseSelectMenuComponent