class StringSelectMenuBuilder

export declare class StringSelectMenuBuilder extends BaseSelectMenuBuilder<APIStringSelectComponent>

Represents a string select menu component



Creates a new select menu from API data

data : Partial<DataType>

The API data associated with this component

Inherited from: ComponentBuilder

options : StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder[]

The options within this select menu

Adds options to this select menu

customId: string
) : this

Sets the custom id for this select menu

Inherited from: BaseSelectMenuBuilder

disabled?: boolean
) : this

Sets whether this select menu is disabled

Inherited from: BaseSelectMenuBuilder

maxValues: number
) : this

Sets the maximum values that must be selected in the select menu

Inherited from: BaseSelectMenuBuilder

minValues: number
) : this

Sets the minimum values that must be selected in the select menu

Inherited from: BaseSelectMenuBuilder

Sets the options on this select menu

placeholder: string
) : this

Sets the placeholder for this select menu

Inherited from: BaseSelectMenuBuilder

spliceOptions() : this

Removes, replaces, or inserts options in the string select menu.

Examples:Remove the first option
selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, 1);
Remove the first n option
const n = 4
selectMenu.spliceOptions(0, n);
Remove the last option
selectMenu.spliceOptions(-1, 1);

Serializes this component to an API-compatible JSON object