interface SlashCommandOptionsOnlyBuilder

export interface SlashCommandOptionsOnlyBuilder extends SharedNameAndDescription, SharedSlashCommandOptions, Pick<SlashCommandBuilder, 'toJSON'>

description_localizations? : LocalizationMap

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription

description : string

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription

name_localizations? : LocalizationMap

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription

name : string

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription

addAttachmentOption() : ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Pick<this, Exclude<keyof this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup">> : this

Adds an attachment option

Inherited from: SharedSlashCommandOptions

addBooleanOption() : ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Pick<this, Exclude<keyof this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup">> : this

Adds a boolean option

Inherited from: SharedSlashCommandOptions

addChannelOption() : ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Pick<this, Exclude<keyof this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup">> : this

Adds a channel option

Inherited from: SharedSlashCommandOptions

addIntegerOption() : ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Pick<this, Exclude<keyof this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup">> : this

Adds an integer option

Inherited from: SharedSlashCommandOptions

addMentionableOption() : ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Pick<this, Exclude<keyof this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup">> : this

Adds a mentionable option

Inherited from: SharedSlashCommandOptions

addNumberOption() : ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Pick<this, Exclude<keyof this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup">> : this

Adds a number option

Inherited from: SharedSlashCommandOptions

addRoleOption() : ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Pick<this, Exclude<keyof this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup">> : this

Adds a role option

Inherited from: SharedSlashCommandOptions

addStringOption() : ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Pick<this, Exclude<keyof this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup">> : this

Adds a string option

Inherited from: SharedSlashCommandOptions

addUserOption() : ShouldOmitSubcommandFunctions extends true ? Pick<this, Exclude<keyof this, "addSubcommand" | "addSubcommandGroup">> : this

Adds a user option

Inherited from: SharedSlashCommandOptions

description: string
) : this

Sets the description

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription

locale: LocaleString
localizedDescription: string | null
) : this

Sets a description localization

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription

localizedDescriptions: LocalizationMap | null
) : this

Sets the description localizations

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription

name: string
) : this

Sets the name

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription

locale: LocaleString
localizedName: string | null
) : this

Sets a name localization

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription

localizedNames: LocalizationMap | null
) : this

Sets the name localizations

Inherited from: SharedNameAndDescription